Summer Leagues
Summer Leagues Now Forming
Thank you for your interest in joining a Summer league at Western Bowl. Below you can find a list of the Summer leagues offered this year. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us using the contact form next to the leagues or give us a call 402-895-3808.
- Monday : Scholarship LeagueAges 11 to High School Senior. Kids bowl in brackets against bowlers of their skill level to earn scholarship money for college. All money is placed in a smart fund and can only be used for education.
- Tuesday : Tri-County Mixed LeagueFour people per team of any combination of men and women. This is a handicapped league making it fun for all. Music is played each night for a fun atmosphere. Starts May 7th. 6:15 practice.
- Thursday : Ball LeagueThree members per team bowl four games each night. At the end each bowler is given a free ball or equipment of their choice. This league is also open to our junior bowlers. Starts May 2nd.
- Friday : 9 Pin No Tap LeagueThree members per team bowl 9 Pins knocked down on the first ball counts as a strike Starts May 3rd.
- Sunday : Family Two-SomeEach team consists of one adult and one youth bowler. A team may rotate players in and out i.e. mom and son one week, father and son the next. Starts April 30th at 6:15 pm for practice.